THE SCANDINAVIAN PINK FLOYD PROJECT A warm welcome to our visitors from all over the Floyd world. Visit FACEBOOK &INSTAGRAM.PULSE, ECHOES AND COVID-19 We are touring “Pulse” in 2021 as well as “Echoes” at the end of the year. The effects of covid-19 makes concerts difficult for everyone, but we have been fortunate enough to rearrange our shows to fit the guidelines and limitations. “Pulse” is synonymous with the final tour of Pink Floyd. The setlist includes a full performance of “Dark Side of the Moon” while the show boasts a massive visual experience. THE WALL 2019-20202019 marked the 40th anniversary of the classic rock album “The Wall”. TSPFP celebrated throughout the year by performing the entire album live in concert . The show featured 11 musicians on stage, visuals, livecams, computerized lights, lasers, quadrophonic sound and a special guest performance by Mikkel Lomborg.THROUGH THE YEARS The band has performed several tours on danish ground, featuring various Pink Floyd albums, hits and rarities. TSPFP plays regularly at the continent, and has visited far edges of Europe stretching from Greenland to Malta as well as Lithuania, Norway, Germany and Sweden. |